Thursday 14 July 2011

Keep Footy Beautiful

Imagine the setting... last day of the season, the two top teams in the league are facing each other with the victors being crowned champions. It's 0-0, 90 minutes have just ticked over and with the referee about to blow for full-time Team A win a dubious penalty. The referee is then suddenly surrounded by Team B players and coaches with a barrage of foul and abusive language flung at him from all angles...

Was that describing a top flight Premier League game or a Sunday afternoon U12's grassroots football match?

I think at the highest level of the game this is something that, wrongly in my opinion, we as football fans and members of society accept far too frequently. Children are highly impressionable by what they see around them and in this case what they see their football hero's doing on the field. What then, do we do, when we come to watch youth football on a Saturday and Sunday? Would we accept that sort of behaviour from 11 year olds?

Below is an example of that sort of behaviour spilling over into life off the pitch.

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