Friday 12 August 2011

The Guardian Football Weekly Podcast... Woof!

One of the very few things I couldn't get through a week without. The Guardian Football Weekly Podcast is hosted by former Channel 4 Football Italia presenter James Richardson who along with regular Guardian journalist guests Barry Glendenning and Sean Ingle comment on the weeks top football stories from all over Europe.

To quote wikipedia... "The show is noted for its irreverent, often iconoclastic, style and mood. Although it adheres to a traditional sports chat show format, the presenters are encouraged to digress on matters unrelated to football and to divulge marginal information from the industry normally withheld from print. As such, its level of discussion is often anecdotal, fragmentary and partial. This is in stark contrast to the normal procedures of professional sports journalism, and is a rarity among sports chat shows in general"

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