Friday 9 September 2011

When Sunday Comes - Part 1

This Sunday sees the start of the season to hundreds of grassroots football leagues all over the country. Young boys and girls will be getting excited for the weekend as will their parents, and it's them who I'd like to focus todays post on.

There will thousands of parents 'giving up their Sundays' to drive miles, get cold and wet to support their son or daughter play football on a muddy pitch somewhere all with the hope of a fair, honest and exciting game to look forward to.

But a few of those parents will perhaps be wanting and expecting a lot more. A win, 3 points or hat-trick for their child, maybe even all 3. After all, they put in a lot of effort, 'giving up their Sundays'...

This video link is 1 part of 4 that takes a look at what probably, unfortunately, will be the weekend for many kids playing the game.

It follows a day in the life of Joe Smith and his Dad before a 'Huge local derby'. In this scene Joe's Dad is 'getting himself in the right frame of mind' for the game because, as we all know, it's all about the adults in youth football...

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